La historia de Ahmed Rodríguez, un refugiado cubano que vive su sueño americano.

Esta es la historia de mi amigo de once años Ahmed Rodríguez. Ahmed nos cuenta sobre su cultura y todas dificultades que vivió en Cuba. Finalmente llega a los Estados Unidos como refugiado después de años y varios intentos fallidos...

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

Family oral history

I spoke to my paternal grandma about her early life, school, family, faith, and immigration.

Interview of my dad

Interview of my dad where he explains how his family especially his mother has been the kindest to him. He shares the earliest childhood memory which was the earthquake of 1972 in Nicaragua. He wants people to remember him as...

Society Interview

I talked with my grandmother on her childhood, faith, and how her views on race and society were shaped.