Life is a fountain

We spoke about my grandfather’s grandparents. We spoke about his brother and what it was like being Jewish in the US and my grandpa’s decision to become an Israeli citizen. Lastly we spoke about his inspirations and his advice for...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Heather

Heather shares stories of growing up in the historic Philadelphia neighborhood, Tacony, and shares stories of her childhood and upbringing and then her eventual opening of her business in Mt. Airy, Philaelphia. Recorded as part of an artist residency with...

Life story interview for English

My friend yonatan explained what his ancestors lives were like and how his parents came to this country. He also talked about the Jewish religion and what his family does

Lauren Fischel and Valerie Fischel

Lauren Fischel (54) shares a conversation with her mother, Valerie Fischel (79), about Valerie’s childhood, her studies as a dancer, her travels to Europe, her time in Paris, the role that expectations for women played in her life, and her...