Nadia Boudoukara Interviews Mother Julie

We mostly talked about childhood and our relationship as mother and daughter.

The legacy

A proud family history of immigrants who came from Sicily, Italy many years ago through Ellis island. Many generations later, this family is still proudly contributing to the prosperity of America.

Vanessa Schoon Smith and Heather Brownlie

One Small Step partners Vanessa Schoon Smith (45) and Heather Brownlie (50) discuss the assumptions people make about them, political extremism drowning out moderatism, social media encouraging divisiveness, and their hopes for the future.

Backpacks & Baguettes

A father and son talk about the children’s travel book they wrote together, Backpacks & Baguettes, and the reminder it provided of what it was like to live in the world before the pandemic hit - the sights, the smells...

The Wisdom of Grandma May

This interview was a very powerful interview with my grandma about her life. I learned that she had a bunch of interesting jobs that I had no idea about. She worked hard throughout her life and got everything she wanted...