Terry Tazioli and Molly Swain

Long time volunteer reflects on time spent with family at The Mount and the wonderful community that led him to coming back and giving back to The Mount 20 years later

Ed Pedi and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Award-winning professional photographer Ed Pedi shares his life story, from growing up in Chelsea with his 7 siblings to his passion for photography, traveling the globe by motorcycle, and the lessons that he learned.

Hilary Schwed & Storey Squires

Hilary, a 7-yr volunteer at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), explains how serving at The Mount has shaped her and what it is like for her to have a family member live here. He's found a lot of love...

How the Boy Scouts made me learn to swim.
December 14, 2021 App Interview

Mr. Bennett tell us how was his childhood on the Boy Scouts and how that made him learn how to swim.

Julie McLeod and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Julie McLeod shares her life story growing up in Boston with strong Catholic faith, and how she came to Andover with a strong sense of wanting to help others. This led her to volunteer in...

Childhood Adventures with Jack Herther

Jack (88) tells some tales of his youth. He discussing moving around the country as a child, growing-up in the family business, participating in youth sports, and a broken arm that was set by a chiropractor.

Regina Fernandez & Scott Acord

Regina talks about her work on the Work2BeWell community outreach program designed to help teens and young adult maintain mental wellness. How this program was created in partnership with teens and how they benefit from it.

Mafe Chase & Melissa Tiberio

Mafe & Melissa talk about the work the volunteer work they do to make and distribute hygiene kits to the local homeless population. This seemingly small act of kindness goes a long way to give some dignity and basic healthcare...