Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Marriage is a Right

Have you ever wanted to hear what a gay man wants to change in gay rights? I am Julia Grane and I am 15 years old and I interviewed my Uncle Brett over the phone about him being gay and...

interview with mom (florence catania)

My mom and I talked mostly about her childhood and what her life was like since she lived in France and England. I also learned a lot about my grandparents and what their life was like.

Our Grandmother

Here i interview my grandmother, as her granddaughter i ask her a set of 15 questions and she tells me about herself and how she grew to be the women she is today.

Aydan and Aunt Paddy

I interviewed my aunt from my dads side. I asked her a lot about her childhood and what it was like growing up with my dad.

Future of Opportunity – Rod Sepand

**The Date Was January 20, 2020** Imagine If you had no supporters and nobody that believed in you.  To prove everyone wrong, you would have to work hard everyday to reach your goal of being successful. My Dad started from nothing...

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

My Aunt’s Nursing Journey

November 26, 2020, recorded in the Bay Area, California by Sophia Goyena; I interview my aunt, Rose Castro, on her journey to becoming a nurse, and her current experience as a nurse- as well as some career and nursing advice.

Enrique’s Interview

Enrique talked about himself. Enrique also talked about his values and explained situations