What it Means to Work Hard – An interview with my Dad

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life and how he grew up. He started from basically nothing and took advice from those of a greater intelligence and applied it to his life and has become very...

Becoming a helping hand!

In this interview I asked my sister questions on her experience in working in UCLA hospital and how she got there.

Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...

Interview w/ B. Hilsen

We talked about B. Hilsen's years growing up and his years of school.

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.