The girl who saved my life.

When Olivia was 3 , I almost died after being trapped on a snowy mountain for several days. When I was about to give up after 6 nights, she appeared before me and said, “Daddy, don’t give up. Go up...

Will interview

On today’s episode of Keeping Up With Hannah, Will and I discuss some very important questions. So fun.

Short Interview with Kelly

I wanted to try this app, and although I recoreded it in a loud classroom, it was fun!

Best friend

We talked about how we’ve been through so much together. We hope to continue this relationship we never wanna lose.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about our future and how we met. Also talked about love, and what it’s like to have each other around

Practice interview 1

I interviewed Marshall about his memories and other things it was good to find out more about him.

ali (interview for oral comm.)

DeAndrea Tolbert (19) and Alianna Richardson (18) are best friends having a conversation about life in general as college students.