my sister’s live interview

I, Joel Flores, asked my sister for questions about life and what she would want to tell other people about. From graduation to college, she tells us from a young focused mindset as to what to focus on.

Thanksgiving Interview with my Grandmother

I, Bella Thompson, asked my grandmother, Susan Lewis, 73 a few questions about her life.

Thanksgiving Listen

What her favorite things to eat and do on Thanksgiving. what is significant about Thanksgiving. also what is difficult about preparing for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Generosity

Matt Foley tells a story about being shown kindness on Thanksgiving when he needed it the most. Being shown generosity by someone who he didn’t know and will forever have this pleasant memory.

Interview About Mazie Martin

Abby (15) interviews fellow student Mazie (15) about her life at home and school along with special holidays.

Thanksgiving Interview

Diana Galindo is the person I am interviewing. She is my mom and she is 41 year old. And this was an interview for a grade.