World History Interview

I talked to my grandfather about his life and then how much he means to my life.

World History Interview cont.

I talked with my grandfather about his life and then I told him how he changed my life.

Mr. Lennon and Cameron talk about Mr. Lennon’s life

Mr. Lennon and Cameron talk about life in the Great Depression and his time in WW2, and Japan. They also talked about his jobs on a farm, Oldsmobile, and war plants. They talked about his memories and his childhood.

Where Have all my Good Men Gone?

“You never know when it’s going to be the last time you see somebody, life is so uncertain” In this interview, we hear Mighty Behrendt interviewing her grandmother, Sharon Hemmer Ruotola in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 28th,2019. Sharon was...

Interview with my Grandfather Gerald

This interview is with my grandfather Gerald Sunkin who is 83 years old. He speaks about his childhood and where he grew up. He tells about where his parents are from and what his parents did and what they were...

Spending Time With Gramps

My Grandfather, who I call Gramps, and I travel back through his childhood. Many good questions make it hard for him to answer.

What the old man had to say.

I Tyler Gleason talked with my Grandfather Jim Gleason on how his life was and a lot about who he was. We got to talk about sad topics such as his grandfather and also happy topics like him going to...

Interview with grandfather on Thanksgiving Day

I asked my grandfather a few questions about his childhood and questions relating to Thanksgiving

William Krites’s time in the war

Maci Krites interviewing William Krites about his time serving.

Early years in DC

Ken talks about his younger days as a boy in Washington, DC during WWII. He had various jobs before entering university then taking time off to travel the country.

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

I love my dad, we talked about many topics. These topics include memory's, politics, influence and more.

Robert G Kullman, 94, with his granddaughter Colleen

Robert G. Kullman (94) was interviewed by his granddaughter, Colleen Kehoe-Conn (44) prior to quarantining on February 22, 2020. Grandpa Kullman describes his family and neighborhood during the Depression, childhood, surviving Polio, service in World War II, marriage and family,...