Neighborhood Equity and Latino Urbanism in Dallas, TX

A discussion about the Latino experience in Dallas, TX, small business owners and the threat of housing displacement in Oak Cliff neighborhoods with Jennifer Rangel, urban planner and author of "A Geographical Examination of Urban Planning - Oak Cliff as...

“Voices of Vision”: Voucher Holders Seeking Opportunity Moves Speak
September 17, 2018 App Interview

Interview with a housing choice voucher holder and her ICP housing mobility counselor reflecting on her search for a diverse neighborhood for her teen daughter and young son. (from Dallas to the inner- and outer-ring suburbs of Garland, Plano and...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol "When the Dreamer stuff passed it was a like an answered prayer…"

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol Roten. Marisol, a Mother of 3, and I have a conversation about her experiences growing up in the Rio Grande Valley. The experience of growing up without her biological father, having...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Mitch

People of the Rio Grande Valley: Mitch. Artist Mitch Darte and I talk about the loss of her Mother and how it propelled her into her flourishing career in painting. Mitch was a high school art teacher, and after losing...