Vietnam Story with Pop Pop

An interview with my 72 year old grandfather. He is a Captain US Army Retired. This is his Vietnam Story

Thanksgiving Listen

Me and my grandfather talked about his life, what he took from his service, and how his upbringing, and the people around him has changed him, and how he has unto them.

Land of Oportunity

“When you have a good opportunity in your life, you should take it. Use it to improve your life and those after you.”-Dennis Bragg (I asked him how we should summarize it)

Jack Prahinski interviewing John Prahinski (father), talks about life role models to the best Star Wars movie.

In January 2018, Jack Prahinski (14) Interviewed his mother John Prahinski (50) in Lynchburg, VA. We talked about his father as his life role model who were his mother and his father. We talked about the best moments of his...

Vietnam War interview with Grandpa Joe

I interviewed my grandpa about his brother Ed who served in the Vietnam war. My grandpa also gave shared his view on the war and how it felt to be at home during the war.

Final interview

My grandpa and I talked about his past including what life was like when he was a teenager,activities he participated in and what he did in the army.

Rich and Christina

school in the 1951 in Chicago private school; 1963 high school. Working in Chicago at the CTA and getting drafted for Korea 1965 May.

Me interviewing my Popo (Mom’s Dad)

My popo was never really that much of a talker but even this little time was amazing to here him speak from the heart

My grandfathers life story

We talked about where my grandfather grew up and his childhood and adulthood. We also talked about his life in the army and his life as grandfather.