Kevie's Life

This is an interview about my grandfather's life. This interview includes what he likes to do which is coaching basketball and being a photographer and how that lifestyle has effected him, and why he enjoys doing it.

Lessons Learned

Interviewing Rhoda I got to learn about her experience once she found out her dad was ill on her birthday in L.A. While also learning about how she learned and saw the power of education through assisting her dogs children...

Love, Riots, and Violence, at USC

Ann Garrett, from Clovis, California, in her junior year of USC, 1992, was put into the middle of the Rodney King riots. It is a firsthand story of someone stuck in a violent protest. Interviewed by Luke Garrett, 14, her...

From Colorado to LA

My name is Grace Schiff, I am 14 years old, and I interviewed my aunt, Melissa Malone, in Encino, California. She grew up in Colorado, but moved to Los Angeles because of her love for acting. In this interview she...

Addicted to Starving

“This is just another story, it’s not a story about a weirdo”. On December 1, 2019, Lane Bynum interviewed her mother, Marti Noxon, about her struggles with eating disorders, and the process of turning her experiences into a movie. At...

Samual baptiate

Samual baptiate talked about how it was like growing up in South central and where his family came from and his future after high school.

Wolf Problems

Learning how to understand the body you live in with a lupus diagnosis