interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

Grandma Kaminski talks about her childhood

I am Connor Kaminski, one of the youngest grandchildren of my grandmother Alice Kaminski. She is the oldest living member of my entire extended family and the last of my grandparents. Turning 87 in 2018, she is an inspiration because...

Alex Mason & Ryan Berger

Alex shares with Ryan how when he went searching for a more meaningful job he stumbled on Providence's St. Joseph hospital, the place he was born. Alex talks about how rewarding his job is, working with the elderly and what...

Interviewing My Dad

My Dad (Ross) talks with me (Luke) about his life experiences, going from his childhood to now. He talks about school, his family, jobs, and how he met my Mom. He also touches on some future plans he has.

Katie Kastelic Interviews Paul Bakos, Her Grandfather

Paul Bakos tells his granddaughter about his experiences in jobs he has worked at throughout his life.

Kaylee and Kim Garcia

Kaylee asks her mom about her childhood and growing up. They look at differences in their childhood and similarities such as how much they like school. Kim talked about other things some kids get to do like going to camps....


We talked about my dads life as a child and people who inspired him.

Evelyn Fuller’s first interview

We talked about what it’s like being a 3-year-old, as well as a lot of Disneyland memories.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

A Father’s Story

My father, Jon Slagel, and I discussed his life prior to having children. He spoke about how he spent his time as a child, what jobs he had before taking on a full career, and what his journey to marrying...

Craig Interview August 19th, 2023

Erin Stevens (33) interviews father Craig Stevens (72) briefly about his life growing up, his adventures during his career, some of his many hobbies, and becoming a grandparent.

Doris Anne Edwards talks about her child hood and adult hood, and her happy marriage. “she’s packin”

Doris talks about her incident. life with her friends and how she went to the casino once on Christmas. She also talks about her children. She even talks about ditching school!!

Interview with Mom

We discussed her life growing up in L.A. and her family, as well as political views and protesting. She talked about her wishes for future generations of our family and I, and how she wants to be remembered.

Austin Barraza and Frank Barraza

Austin Barraza (27) interviews his grandfather Frank Barraza (88) about his life, including his childhood, his career, and his time in the U.S. Air Force.

Rowan and Ava ASMR

In this interview, Ava Willis (16) and Rowan Hutchinson (16) talk in Live Oak, CA. They discussed a favorite memory of Rowan and computers, as well as how Ava feels she will die, and how she wants to be buried.

Closing into the Unknown Secrets of my Grandmother

In this interview, conducted on November 30th, 2019 in Valley Village, California, David Lee (이한빈) interviews his maternal grandmother Sang-shim Kim (김상심, ≈70), encompassing a variety of topics. She talks about her childhood, school, dream, marriage, daughter (David’s mother). She...

Small but Feisty

If you tell Jerry Anderson a secret, he will never reveal it, but he’s happy to tell you even the most embarrassing things about himself. Brianna and Anderson 14, interviews her grandpa Jerry Anderson. The interview took place on November...

Edward J. Powers with Helen Powers and family

Edward J. Powers, Sr. (79) shares stories and memories with his family about his childhood in Pottsville, PA, his career in Public Health, and the life he and wife Helen M. Powers (79) have had so far with their children,...

Interviewing Pio Hernández

I asked my father about his childhood, growing up with his parents in a small farm and a small town, then making his way to the US where he would start a new chapter in his life.

Interview with uncle

my uncle tells a story that he would pass down to his grandchildren if he would ever meet them, and gives his number one piece of advice