Gerald L Kiefer talks to Lucy V Kiefer

What advice would you give your teenage self? What funny stories can you share?

Nana and Papa’s Life

I (Cora, 15) interviewed my mother’s parents, Nana (Bonnie, 70) and Papa (John, 70). They talked about their time growing up as well as raising my mother.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

Conversation with Grandpa Lanoue 6/12/21

Kt talks to Grandpa Lanoue about living and working in Cloud county Kansas in the early 1950s.

An Interview with my Grandpa

I interviewed my grandpa William Parks. He is originally from Kansas and was a public defender in Chicago, IL. He also joined the military. We discussed his life and impact on the world and also talked about his love, the...