Gricelda talks about her life in Richmond, raising a daughter while balancing two cultures, and her hopes for Richmond

This interviewed was done with the assistance of a translator. Gricelda talks about things she misses from Mexico (food!) and what types of culture events would be fun to incorporate into life in Richmond. She also talks about how she...

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Anonymous 16

Anonymous Interviewee #16 talks about growing up in Mexico and having family in the United States. He speaks about his life in Mexico and what he is most proud of.

Mother's life reflection

Yadira Lopez (48) Mother of Vanessa Lopez (19) the interviewer discusses life in Mexico among other things.

My mother, Miriam Menchaca, and her life

The interview taken in Fort Worth, Texas was for my mother, Miriam Menchaca. The interview is over the experiences my mother had when growing up in Mexico.

Moms interview

My mom summarized her life story from her childhood to her teenage years. She talks about what she had to leave back when she made the choice of going to the U.S from Mexico.

Interview with my grandpa.

This interview is about the childhood of my grandpa and what he did as a child. He also talks about his first memories of having a job as well as his hobbies today.

“Richmond is like my second home”- José talks about his life in the US and his love of learning

José Luis and Alison discuss the things he loves about Richmond while also acknowledging the challenges of making a life in a new country. The two also talk about his love of learning, travel, and his future education plans!