New York to Old York: Interview with a ‘69er

This is an interview by 20 year old Darlene Johnson with her 51 year old dad, Kevin Taylor, about what life was like back then from a media and technological standpoint.

Abigail DeBruycker and John Carnell

My name is Abigail and this is my grandfather, John Carnell, and we talk about about the experience he had in the 1960s with the current events, school, music, and entertainment.


Michael Jerome Coffey gives insight on an appreciative life.


She talked about her upbringing in a blended family and her interest in environmental justice.

Kate Sanchez and Amol Kulkarni: A 38 Year Old Happy Interracial Marriage

Kate Sanchez (68) and Amol Kulkarni (66) talk about how their diverse childhoods and societal mores have influenced their 38 year old interracial marriages. They reflect on the challenges and benefits of being in an interracial marriage and its impact...

The Tenth

The struggles and thoughts of having 13 children when your dad is the 10th.


Just a few questions about the 1960’s.


Kendra Cook, 17, great niece. Margaret Williams,74, great aunt. Discussion of Margaret's childhood life in Mississippi before moving to Chicago and experiencing life in the 60s during the Civil Rights Movement and important people during that time.