Literacy first

I spoke with Michelle about reading.

Interview with tia becky

My aunt talks about her young life, her experiences that have shaped her, and much more.

In The Mind of My Mom

In this interview, conducted in November 2018 in Lafayette, New Jersey, Sammi Gasparini (18) interviews her mother Stacey Gasparini (49). Stacey talks about her love for her husband and daughter. She also gives advice and talks about important happy memories...

Diging Deeper into my Grandma’s History

Because of this video I learned a lot more about my grandmas childhood and some of her favorite memories. I also discovered a lot of new things about my grandma!

Attitude of Gratitude Nolan

I interviewed my dad and we talked about what he was greatful for and what shaped him to be the man he is today

Novel Wisdom: Whitney Wilda and Jennifer Stavreva talk books.
September 6, 2018 App Interview

In this recording, Jennifer Stavreva, a student, and Whitney Wilda an Illinois history teacher discuss the books that need to be read before a student graduates high school.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Papa Peter – values & the past
November 26, 2018 App Interview

Here we briefly discuss personal values and the truly important things in life.