
I interviewed my friend Jaeger Jergensen about his brother getting into a hunting accident, and how it affected him, his brother, and his family.

Cole Lehmann and Cole O'Connell

Cole Lehmann: 2021-11-13 04:21:55. Cole Lehmann (21) talks with his roommate and teammate, Cole O'Connell (22) about his high school hockey career and how that led him to Concordia College in Moorhead.

The Invisible Injury

Julie Miller discusses her personal experience with a Traumatic Brain Injury and her sisters experience with a severe Traumatic Brain Injury. She addresses the stigma surrounding the invisible, yet prominent injury in today's society.

My family's road to adoption

Catherine Yeager (my mom) talks about how her experiences as a child and in her career eventually lead her to adopting a little girl.

Competitive dance and Eating disorders

I will be interviewing my roommate, Emma Kepler, about her experiences with competitive studio dance and with her eating disorders enhanced by the competitive dance culture

Speaking on Seminary with Allison Peterson

Jackson (18) talks to his mom, Allison (59) about her going back to Seminary after taking a break from sitting behind a desk for almost 40 years.

Lost Loves

Love is something uniquely beautiful and captivating, it can give us the world then strip it away from us within seconds.