How education and life has changed and how it would’ve adapted in times of crisis like these

In this interview I talk to my dad about what it was like growing up in a time with less technology and how that affected education daily life and the possible outcomes of a pandemic during his younger days.

Interview with my Dad

Interview with my Dad for my history class


I talked with my brother Owen about the most influential people in his life, his happiest moments and what he is most grateful for.

An Almost Military Man a.k.a. my not-so-little brother

My 17-year-old brother leaves to join the Army National Guard in t-minus 30 days. I got him to sit down with me and talk about his experience with the global pandemic, his high school graduation and his military plans for...

“I wanted us all to be a family… forever.”

My mother and father divorced when I was child, around when I was in fourth or fifth grade, and my mother's life took a severe turn from the dreams she held. We talk about and explore what lead up to...

Be Who You Are

I simply asked my dad questions about things he never usually talks about. I wanted to know about what makes my dad tick.