Tyler J. Park (left) and Dey'lon Edmonds (right)

Tyler Park and Dey'lon Edmonds discuss the ''forgotten side'' of the pandemic; its effects on the correctional system.

Covid-19: Maria Trajtenberg

Jackie Neale interviews her undergraduate photography student, Maria Trajtenberg while we are conducting interviews and taking photographs for our storytelling project, The Corona Collective. Maria is living in TriBeCa New York City through the pandemic, and talks about how she...

How a Pandemic Affects the World: a First Grader’s Perspective

Tenth grader, Emily Perez, interviews first grader, Sofia Monroy, to see what the Coronavirus pandemic feels like through the eyes of a seven year old.

Emily Yeatman and an old highschool classmate Ashlee Maney discussing how COVID-19 has affected their lives.

Emily Yeatman: 2020-12-03 21:43:40 In this interview, conducted in December 2020 in Wilmington Delaware, Emily Yeatman (20) interviews old highschool classmate Ashlee Maney (20) about the effects the novel coronavirus has taken on Ashlee's on-campus life and job. They also...

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...

Veronica Fischmann and Yakov Pechersky Reflect on the COVID-19 Pandemic, Among Other Things.

Veronica Fischmann (32) and Yakov Pechersky (28) talk about treasured childhood memories, the ways in which their lives shaped their reactions to the global pandemic (especially Yakov, whose family is from Russia), the ways the pandemic may shape their lives...

Quarantine Experiences with Skyler Kahn

I am speaking to my college roommate about the current pandemic that our world is facing. She is sharing her personal opinions about the virus and her experiences in quarantine.

Immigration Stories: Anonymous 25 – "I take the position like this – it doesn't matter where I am, it's anywhere is better than Russia."

Anonymous 25 is from Russia and has been living for long periods of time in other cities throughout the world. Landing in Malta has been both a challenging and wonderful experience. She is a resident and birthed her daughter in...