World History Interview

I talked to my grandfather about his life and then how much he means to my life.

World History Interview cont.

I talked with my grandfather about his life and then I told him how he changed my life.

Arrogance and Vietnam

David Sylvester (my grandpa is in his seventies and reflects on his formative high school and college years. He discusses when he marries his wife (my grandma), and his experiences throughout high school and college. The Vietnam War and the...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about our ancestry and people who lived the most interesting lives in our family - grocers.

Interview with my Grandfather Gerald

This interview is with my grandfather Gerald Sunkin who is 83 years old. He speaks about his childhood and where he grew up. He tells about where his parents are from and what his parents did and what they were...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about our ancestry and people who lived the most interesting lives in our family - grocers.

“And then I asked myself why the heck I’m here”

This interview took place in Manhattan Beach, California. Josh Cochran interviewed his grandpa Tom Cochran. It took place November 25th later at night. Josh asked questions about many different things such as what he was like as a kid, How...

Interview with grandfather on Thanksgiving Day

I asked my grandfather a few questions about his childhood and questions relating to Thanksgiving

My Grandpa Talks About his Experience at Ohio State University During the Vietnam War

I talked to my grandpa about his college experience during the Vietnam War. His memories include instances of riots, tear gas, and tanks on the Ohio State Campus. He also talks about his most vivid memories, his childhood, and his...

Retirement home

We talked to our interviewe, and learned about is military past

Spending Time With Gramps

My Grandfather, who I call Gramps, and I travel back through his childhood. Many good questions make it hard for him to answer.

Interviewing Boppa about childhood and army

We talked about his childhood, how he was always getting in trouble before he found his love for books and sports, and then his time in the army as an air force doctor.