A heartwarming interview with my Vovo

I interviewed my grandmother from my mother's side. I asked her some questions about her life, why she immigrated to the United States in 1988, and what she was thankful for Thanksgiving.

Gricelda talks about her life in Richmond, raising a daughter while balancing two cultures, and her hopes for Richmond

This interviewed was done with the assistance of a translator. Gricelda talks about things she misses from Mexico (food!) and what types of culture events would be fun to incorporate into life in Richmond. She also talks about how she...

“Being Jewish, I have sort of an outsider’s perspective”

In this interview, conducted on December 15th, 2023, in Santa Monica, California, Andrew Bernknopf (60) talks with his son, Leo Bernknopf (15) about how his Jewish religion and faith in God has shaped his perspective of the world. He shares...

Shaina Lawrence and Molly Lawler

Shaina Lawrence (31) talks with her cousin Molly Lawler (27) on how the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted her, and about life in general.

Maureen Martinson and Desiree Marcil Reflects On Relationship With Her Life

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. On April 27th 2021, Desiree Marcil in Yorba Linda, California interviews mother, Maureen Martinson, in Brea, California. Maureen Martinson reflects on her life with a hospitalized parent, a liberal daughter, and the effects of...