Rich Naughton shares with his son (also Rich Naughton) and all listeners the stories and memories of his life

Growing up was a life-shaping journey for Rich Naughton. His father left when he was young, his mother was poor, the family was constantly moving all across the country so the mother could find work. By the end of his...

The Korean War and my family

I chose to interview my great grandfather about his experiences being in the Korean War. I also asked questions about our family and his past.

Finding Your Voice Though Change

My Mom Came form China to America without knowing anyone or English. She explains her journey of being seen as different and how she learned to Speak up and stay strong.

Chilling with Grandmom

This interview is about my grandparents heritage from Norway

Interview of Dottie Hanly

My grandmother, Dottie Hanly, had a hard life as many people have had. She grew up with 7 siblings in a small home, many people that were close to her were in the military, and she got cancer. After all...

History Summative Assignment

The participants life was talked about and how he had worked at a very young age to support his family. Religion is a big motivation of his,since his childhood, and he encourages his future generations to work hard to achieve...

First Interview

this interview is abouth Jusilaine's life

Stories of hope and wisdom from my father

Interviewing my father, Dr. Timothy Fuerst, about his life as a Catholic, husband, father, friend, and Economics professor. This beautiful man died, just under 2 months later, on February 21, 2017. We miss him dearly and love him always. With...