Lifelong reflections of my mother

From the depression through WWII, the 60’s and the 21 st century, Mom talks about her life. She ends sharing wisdom for her great grandchildren.

Archive Oologah- Jennifer Denslow

JAMIE Marrara and Madison Watson interviewed Oologah High School speech and debate teacher Jennifer Denslow about her experiences in education and her thoughts about the Oologah community.

Archive Oologah- Logan Carter

Archive Oologah interviews Logan Carter, an OHS Class of 2018 valedictorian. He discusses his plans for the future and his favorite Oologah memories.

Archive Oologah- Faith and John Wylie

Jamie and Madison of Archive Oologah interview John and Faith Wylie, a couple whose lives were shaped by journalism-- which in turn allowed them to shape Oologah by running the local paper.