The childhood of Edna Dodds my Mamaw

We talked about my grandmas life, and how she grew up

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

Interviewing My Grandma

We talked about nicknames, school, and favorite things.

Storycorps Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my interviewee about her childhood memories, relationship with her parents, lessons she’s learned throughout school and work, how she met her husband, why she chose to live in Esko, how she wants to be remembered, and what she...

Interview with teacher

We were talking about his personal life mainly when he was a child.

Interviewing one of the most important people in my life

My grandma and I talked about her life as a child and her life now. We discussed her childhood, children, jobs, religion, memories, and acheviments.

Interview for World History

In this interview, I asked my cousin questions about school and her life so far.

Grandma’s story part 2

Grandma talking about life, part 2.

Thanksgiving listen interview

In this intwrview I learn about my grandma. This was a great experience.

In my head- an interview with Serena Ratcliff

Interviewing Serena Ratcliff, a 12 year old Ariana Grande fan girl. She expresses her feelings on many different questions in this short 10 minute conversation.

Me asusté mucho ( I was so scared)

This interview was talking about how it was back in his day where everything was different. With that also what he did back then and what he wanted us to know what happen to him and he what he wanted...

My Experience With Bullying And How That Has Changed My Perspective On Leadership

Audrey and I talk about my experience with moving across the country, going through bullying, and my mental health journey and how I feel like these things impacted how I present myself as a leader.

Grace Duck and her dad talk about his childhood.

Grace Duck (15) and Brandon Duck (45) talk about growing up in Batavia, Illinois. Brandon shares some life lessons and talks about going to church as a young boy.

Novel Wisdom: Whitney Wilda and Jennifer Stavreva talk books.
September 6, 2018 App Interview

In this recording, Jennifer Stavreva, a student, and Whitney Wilda an Illinois history teacher discuss the books that need to be read before a student graduates high school.

Interview With My Grandma

We talked about my mom and significant events in my grandma's life. My grandma also gave some words of wisdom to her great great grandchildren.

Story Corp (Natha Ostby)

A story of how my grandparents meet and my grandmas childhood.

My grandma -Finn

An interview with my grandmother about parents, children, siblings, and life overall.

Interviewing Paige Blythe by Henry

We talked about Paige meeting me and her life as a kid and Jr in high school

What it Means to Work Hard – An interview with my Dad

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life and how he grew up. He started from basically nothing and took advice from those of a greater intelligence and applied it to his life and has become very...

Becoming a helping hand!

In this interview I asked my sister questions on her experience in working in UCLA hospital and how she got there.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen – Grandma Barb

Barbara Hilbush, my grandma and mother of three, speaks briefly about her experience growing up in a gender defined era, where it was hard for women to embrace independence and courage.