Sugar Can’t Bring Him Down

“You’ll be dead by the age of fifty” Jerry Sraberg was told. 14 year old Demi Weitz interviews her grandfather, Jerry Sraberg, about how being a diabetic affected him in negative and positive ways and the obstacles he overcame. In...

Impact Lab Interview
December 7, 2018 App Interview

This is an interview from the CATDC Impact Series workshop with Karla about her life and youth

Mr Spears

Talked about RHS and the legacy created by Mr. Phil Spears.

Thomas interviews Brodie 2018

Brodie is asked about his personal beliefs and experiences

Aisha Ayloush discusses with her grandma Ghaida Ayloush about her life growing up.

This is Ghaida Ayloush. She is my teyta which means grandmother in Arabic. As her granddaughter I got to interview her and learn about her life and experiences she went through growing up. We had a good conversation towards each...

Self Reflection about High School

Eugene and I had a conversation about our high school experiences, including memorable moments how we plan to live life.

The importance for education within the Latino community

Carlos is one of the head supervisors at Kids club. Kids club is a safe haven for kids who come from low income families, all of which are predominately Latino. Carlos shares his story and passion in educating the Latino...