Spencer Wambeke and Karen Wambeke: A discussion of business and hardwork.

Spencer Wambeke: 2021-11-12 03:27:12 A discussion with Karen Wambeke about the impact of hard work at a young age, and her journey to a business degree, she discusses her job and gives advice about being a college student and the...

"Operation Iraqi Freedom"

Kiernan Darling (19) talks with her father, Jon Darling (59) about his experiences in the Army and what it was like being apart of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Interviewing my cousin for the gray thanksgiving listen made me realize that she is a really strong person who has gone through a lot but always looks at it in a positive way. This has taught me that when you...

Kane Hoff's interview of Allison Hoff on the subject of addiction.

I did this interview on my mom about her trouble with addiction. We look at subjects such as how it came to be, what it was like during, and how she finally got through it.

Building Relationships Through Your Career Path

Mia Kiemele talks with her daughter Ava about her career path. She tells stories about how her degree and social work background helped her throughout life.

Gabriella Gonzalez and Jose Gonzalez

Gabriella Gonzalez talks with her father, Jose Gonzalez, about his childhood in Cuba and his immigration to America. Listen as he discusses his most challenging moments in life, the bittersweet memories he has from his childhood, and the biggest lessons...

The Effect of Growing Up with a Sick Parent

Gabe Thompson interviewing Judy Thompson on the effect of growing up with a sick parent. Interview for IWC 100 under W. Scott Olsen at Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota.

Medical History

Chantelle Schmidt talks with her mother, Jamie Schmidt, about her medical background and history in the field.

Learning stories from Mrs. Schmidt

Mrs. Schmidt had a husband who sadly died. But she said that before he died of a sickness she was in the senior choir. She dropped out to take care of her husband. But she had said that he had...