Pat Finken

Stories of what it was like when my grandmother was a kid and how it’s like for her now.

Interview with Dorothy Gronlund

Dorothy, a professional singer, choir conductor and voice teacher recounts her early musical experiences and life's journey.

Bryan Gilbrech and Marjorie Gilbrech

We discussed memories of the Great Depression, WWII, family members, and stories passed from an older generation.

1960s interview

My grandpa, Paul Market, was 15 in 1960. During this interview, he discusses his lifestyle during the 1960s and his feelings regarding the major changes in his life and the overall time period. Also, he mentions major events that he...

Creativity for a Lifetime: Interview with my Grandma

In this interview, I talked with my grandmother Georgiann Eckheart, about her life as a mother and grandmother and how creativity played a role in her life.

Clare Winright and her mother, Elizabeth Winright discuss family history and traditions.

Interview conducted In December 2020 in Saint Louis, Missouri. Elizabeth Winright describes her childhood and stories of her mother and grandparents during her interview with Clare Winright.