Eric Miller and Scott Acord

Eric Miller shares with Scott Acord the heartbreaking story of losing his young son and the ways in which it shaped his career and life

Alex Feldt and Devin Day
September 13, 2020 App Interview

Alex and Devin share memories about their decades-long relationship, her struggle with ovarian cancer, and what it's like facing the end of life.

Artie Ripp's Childhood and his Place in the Music Industry

“It was very loud, greasy, noisy, and something you wanted to get away from” (0:17-0:27). On January 2nd, 2019 in Valley Village, California, Ari (15) and her grandfather, Artie Ripp, sat down to discuss his circumstances growing up and his...

Refreshing Family Memories

An interview with my dad about his life and what he has learned. My dad explains what he wants me to take away from life itself, as well as how to be happy.

"Gave his kids opportunities he never had."
November 24, 2015 App Interview

My father, Shigeru Ochi, was raised in poverty. He focused on working hard and saving to send his kids through college and med school.

Jenny Rask Interviews Father Gene Rask about this life.

Jenny Rask: 2021-03-22 01:17:10 Interviews her father Gene Rask about his life. Memories of growing up with Lee and Ray Rask. First days in Portland, Oregon. A few of Gene's first jobs and his father's worry about his boys being...