Papa and Arielle

My Papa talks about how our family immigrated from Guyana to America. He talks about his childhood in Guyana, and transitioning to the United States as an adult.

Hans Riziki

Coming from Moshi, Tanzania, Hanz Riziki talks about the challenges he faced regarding his education, and his pursuit of a new life.

Richard Baker and Sierra Grissom: From the Airforce to COVID-19

Sierra Grissom (18) interviews her grandfather, Richard Baker, to hear about his experiences throughout his life. The conversation goes from a story of a young man who joined the military to provide for himself and his young wife to a...

Edithe Dobbins Mason, Keziah Dobbins, Jensen Humphreys, and Kaylee Baxter

1960s lifestyle interview with Edithe Dobbins Mason: 2023-04-10 23:45:49 In this interview, the assassination of JFK and MLK Jr. are discussed along with personal experiences living in Washington D.C. and entertainment preferences during a time of change.

Dad, what can you tell me about Great Grandfather Chinn and the Chinn Fanily name?

My father told me about my Great Grandfather Chinn and the Chinn family name origin a year before he passed away from bladder cancer.