"Dealing with science, it's like having a detective job." An interview with Meloe Kacenelenbogen.

In this interview, Dr. Meloe S. Kacenelenbogen discusses her expertise in ‘aerosols,’ suspended particles in the atmosphere. These small particulates can affect air quality and human health and can also impact the Earth’s radiation balance. We also discuss why she...

"With Earth Observations I saw it as a great challenge and opportunity to study our planet." An interview with Vince Ambrosia.

Vince Ambrosia is a Senior Research Scientist at NASA Ames, Adjunct Faculty Member in the Department of Applied Environmental Sciences, College of Science, California State University – Monterey Bay, and also serves as the NASA Applied Science Program, Associate Program...

"We should not live in a bubble when we conduct science." A conversation with Florian Schwandner.

From a childhood filled with archeology lessons from his dad, to graduate studies measuring gases from active volcanoes, and then designing early warning systems to detect volcanic activity, Dr. Florian Schwandner's life goal has been to make a difference in...

"We look at life in extreme environments and learn about what life can do, how it adapts." An interview with David Smith.

Dr. David Smith is a microbiologist at the NASA Ames Research Center. David led the design, construction, and validation of two NASA Balloon Program payloads carrying biology experiments (E-MIST and MARSBOx) as well as the use of a bio-aerosol collector...