Dee Ann Tumbuan and Ellie Tumbuan

Sisters Dee Ann Tumbuan (39) and Ellie Tumbuan (42) discuss their childhood, moving around the country, summertime road trips and positive influential women from their parents' church, life lessons and their good friend Steve.

Tyler Guenin and Robert Guenin

Robert Guenin (51) talks to his son Tyler (16) about life lessons and experiences.

Interview with my Grandma

Gavin age 13 interviews Jeanne age 67. The topics include family, school, history, and relationships.

Roosevelt Whetstone and Brice Goodson

Roosevelt Whetstone (17) talks with his very close friend who is also his boss, Brice Goodson (27) about life, love, and what it means to be a man and what parting advice he has for a graduating senior.

Noreen Thomas Grows Native Foods

Noreen Thomas, of Doubting Thomas Farm, shares the wonder and importance that comes with saving seeds and growing Native food in partnership with the White Earth Nation.

Ralph’s Chipmunk and the Stupid Green Dress

In this interview, Katheryn Baldwin is asked by her daughter, Lily, to tell her a story about the dumbest thing Katheryn ever did. Tracing around a barely visible scar on her hand, Katheryn describes chasing after her cat Ralph, a...