Sauleiha Akangbe & Safia Alakbar

Sauleiha manages the Just Birth program for Swedish in Tacoma. She spoke with her sister, Safia about the importance for this work and how it benefits the Black, Indigenous and Asian Pacific populations of her community. She also talked about...

Mercedes Luz and Peter Singh

Peter Singh (16) talks with his grandmother, Mercedes Luz (70) about her childhood and growing up in the Philippines. Mercedes discusses her time in Iran during the Iran Iraq war as a nurse in a military hospital. She traveled across...

Donald Carey and Ted Carey converse

Ted Carey, 67, son of Donald Carey, 92, have a biographical conversation briefly covering experiences and aspects of a full and rewarding life.

AP Language Thanksgiving Interview: Mother 2018

I interviewed my mom, who like my dad, was an immigrant to America from Nigeria. She talks about the experience of being an immigrant and also living in America for a long time. Despite the label of "immigrant", you'd also...

The Black Dog of Death

This interview was of my dad talking about a defining incident in his life and which really shaped him as a child. We then went on to talk about supernatural activity and rationalism. I found this quite interesting, scientifically, because...

Daniel Malakowsky and Hanna Zack Miley

Daniel Malakowsky (36) speaks to his close friend and colleague, Hanna Zack Miley (88). Hanna survived the holocaust by escaping to England at the age of 7-years-old. She shares her experience and path to forgiveness in the autobiography, A Garland...

Annabelle’s interview with her dad

We talked about my dad’s life in London, Scotland, and traditions. Dad (37) and Daughter (12)

In Your Own Words with Madu Udeh

Originally a celebration of Black History Month, February 2018, Middlebury College's Davis Family Library initiated a series of oral interviews, "In Your Own Words." In them, Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer engages members of the community who trace their...

Interview with Dorothy Whitfield Chisholm on her experience in WWII — Winning the Purple Heart, Serving in Paris by Graham Chisholm

Dorothy Whitfield Chisholm (98) speaks with her son, Graham Chisholm (62) about her experience joining the British Army at age 18 in 1941, and then transferring over to the US Army in Great Britain in 1942, being wounded by a...

On the Level #97: Johnny Royal – A storytelling visionary and his quest to create 33 Degrees & Beyond: The Royal Art of Freemasonry

A chance encounter with Freemasons hall while visiting London in his youth led to a lifelong involvement with Freemasonry. Johnny Royal has had a passion for years about telling the story of Freemasonry and after several years he is now...

Theresa, Rachel, & Joel Bervell

Theresa sat with her children Rachel and Joel and talk about Theresa's late cousin Paul who died from COVID-19 in December of 2020. They also discuss the health inequities within the Black and minority communities and did it have an...