My Nana

I interviewed my endeared grandmother who I call my Nana. She has lived a full and wonderful life. She is an example of a hard working woman and a loving friend and mother figure to all. I’m blessed to be...

“ I'm happy from where I came from, [to] where im at right now”

My father being a 14 year old boy moving from his homeland (Mexico) to the U.S (California) to work and build a better future for himself. From working on a field to being a successful mechanic. Experiences he went through...

“Living the dream” an interview with Roger Mayer

Roger talked about his life including his family and experiences. He talked about his wife and their goals in life and how proud he is of his family.

Genuine at Heart

Elizabeth is going to touch on memories from California and when she came to Utah. She is going to talk about how much she loves school and why she chose this specific job. I interviewed my college advisor and I...

An interview with my inspiration: Jane Calder

Today i interviewed my piano teacher of 9 years. Over the nine years, I only knew about her past students and children. Today I wanted to know more about her childhood, career, passions and proudest moments.

Jam Boyden

In this interview, done on January 13, 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah, is about Laura Sneddon who is cousins with Julianna Boyden. It tells Laura's life story from living in Germany and being adopted into a new family. About...

“It’s a classic…”

I got to interview my brother, Ashton. We had conversations on his childhood, school systems, parents, funny and scary stories, nicknames, inspirational people, and football.