RMC Interview Assignment

Interview with Micheal Sheppard talking about life stories and past experiences.

Recording – 12-09-2023 11:15:42

This is an interview with my partner, Jake. He is 26 years old and has decided to share brief portion of his life and personal growth with the world.

Exploring sound, math, and design through interactive experiences

Interactive designer Ginger Leigh talks about her love for math, coding, and creating immersive experiences, and how all of these things come together in her work. Ginger Leigh’s installations have been presented at museums and events around Orlando including Snap!...


This is an interview with my teacher about growing up within the 90s vs the 2020s.

My Wife Carol

This interview is between myself Jeff Nowlin, age 45,and my spouse Carol Benanti, age 67. The questions are themed around life lessons and wisdom of age, as well as our relationship with each other.

Rashon and Matthew discuss his career as a teacher. " How do you want your student's to remember you?"

This is an interview given to a high school classmate of mine that is a fourth grade teacher in Brooklyn New York.

Jennifer De Los Santos

Jennifer De Los Santos gives some amazing life lessons and talks about how her past has shaped into who she is today.