Terry Tazioli and Molly Swain

Long time volunteer reflects on time spent with family at The Mount and the wonderful community that led him to coming back and giving back to The Mount 20 years later

Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle

Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle talked about what led them to becomes nurses and what drew them to Providence. They also shared some of the most memorable stories of their nursing careers and what advice they had for...

Jaiya Peaks and Melody Fawcett

Jaiya shares with Melody about what brought her to Providence Marianwood, and to recreation therapy in general. She talks about her family and her own favorite activities.

Sham Najjir & Ahmed Pierstorff

Ahmed & Sham, share stories about Ramadan, the month of fasting and Eid al-Fitr, the breaking of the fast, and the role these holidays play in their Muslim faith and lives.

Barbara Morphy & Chandra Hodges

Barbara and Chandra met through the "Walk a Mile" program and hit it off instantly. Barbara talks about the challenges of being a single mom, needing a job. She started in housekeeping at a Providence hospital, but knew she wanted...

Jeffery Ward, MD and Cheryl Cline

Dr. Jeffery Ward reflects on his career as an oncologist and Hospice Medical Director with his colleague and friend, Chery Cline. Jeff then shares his journey after receiving a diagnosis of mucosal melanoma and now receiving hospice care as a...

Joselyn Eitemiller and Melody Fawcett

Joselyn was adopted as a newborn, in Chadron, NE and she shares with her friend & colleague, Melody Fawcett, the story of meeting her birth family. The love and care she has been given by her adoptive parents and sibling.

Sister Rita Bergamini & Molly Swain

Sr. Rita first lived at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount) when she was a novice back in 1947 and later took her vows at the chapel there. After leaving for her first mission, she returned in 1972 and became...

Carl Lunn and Deborah Lunn

Carl and Debbie share some stories of Carl's early years, then their life together, married for 50 years. Debbie skillfully redirects Carl's answers when his memory is challenging him to recall details.

Mike Hayes, Emily Peters and Scott Acord

Emily shares her experience of being the eldest of 4 children whose father died when she was 12, just 6 yrs after her mother died. Emily, had been the only mother her siblings knew and when they moved their aunt...

James Villalobos and Melody Fawcett

James discussed his upbringing in a loving family and faith. His mom being a beacon of love and support. He also discussed his mom's cancer diagnosis. He discussed the sacred encounter he had with his mom, a conversation that changed...

Niki Flynn and Steve Heck

Steve tells his story about career changes from ballet to occupational health therapy, his path toward Buddhism, personal relationship and connecting back to community through volunteering.

Liz Farber and Justyna Raszewska

Liz, long time Providence caregiver reflects on her journey to become a social worker and how her spirituality has helped her serve hospice patients

Lulu Verneuil and Nicole Sotkiewicz

Nicole and Lulu, coordinators of Camp Erin grief camp for children and teens, discuss how they combine kid-centered activities with grief education to promote sharing and safe spaces for grieving.They talk about the growth they see in kids who have...

Patrick Nickell & Scott Acord

Patrick shared in an earlier story about being raised in Foster Care - this is his story once he aged out and the "system" was done with him. Without having been taught much in the way of life-skills, Patrick struggled...

Rayna Oliver and Victoria Johnson

Rayna (25) and Victoria (27) talk about Rayna's path to Providence, and what brought her to her internship on the Health Equity team. They discuss the importance of Health Equity, and their hopes for the future of healthcare and the...

Christine Kostrubala and Sarah Rasmussen

Christine shares personal stories about the challenges of getting good healthcare as a deaf person. Being disrespected, misinterpreted, and not being able to trust doctors and others in the healthcare system.

Melody Fawcett, Nathan Blunt, Hilary Rajchel

Melody met her cousins, Nathan and Hilary about ten years ago as a result of genealogy research. They come together today to share what brought them to their searches and the impact it had on them and the family.