SSC4201 Interview

Interview with Diana talking about covid-19 and how culture plays a part in covid-19.

Embracing Differences

Talking to Diana about her culture and the challenges of attending a university in the Midwest.

Perspective from the other side of the world

Peter explained the difficulties of moving from China to America during his high school and college years. Although there were difficulties, Peter also tell about the many blessings that came from coming to America.

From Colombia to the United States and Beyond

JuanDa shares his story about growing up in Colombia and coming to the United States. He also shares his faith story and his goals as a future pastor.

Transitioning from Florida to Minnesota

Diana and I talked about the Venezuelan influence and traditions in her life. Another major emphasis was on how different life and attitudes are between Florida and the Midwest.

Sara Wentzel and Montara Hamilton – COVID and Student Teaching

Sara Wentzel: 2020-12-02 02:35:35 Sara Wentzel talks with her friend Montara Hamilton about quarantine and student teaching. Montara is from Antigua, so she had some insights to share about island life during COVID quarantine. She is currently student teaching at...

Cultural Perspective on Education

We talked about what it means to study to be a teacher having personal experience in both Chinese and American culture.

Covid-19 on the Individual

We explored the effects of this situation on each of us individually and then touched on how we can make a difference in this.

Living through another pandemic

Chris and I talked about being in the pandemic. What her life looks like now and how it has changed.

COVID-19 Conversation

Noelle and Alex discuss how the current pandemic of COVID-19 has affected our lives personally and our world.

Moses Enter and Nadine

Moses Enter talks with Nadine about her thoughts on China, the Chinese government, and Western nations.