Pricilla Malagon Bon & Lisa Traucht

Pricilla, a nurse practitioner and her work 'sister', Lisa, a social worker, share stories of their work in palliative care. Trying to leave work at work so they can be fully present with their families when they get home. What...

Allan Komarek & Melody Fawcett

Allan is the recipient of the 2021 nursing Leadership Award and a conversation ensues that provides Allan an opportunity to share his story and view on leadership, philosophy, nursing career, and discrimination towards being gay.

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Greg Soumokil & Shane Bassett

Greg shares with Shane, his physical therapist, the events that led up to him getting an artificial heart and what life is like for him as he waits for a donor heart. Greg is one of only 28 people living...

Ligia Andersen and Kira Karinen

Ligia and Kira, RN's with Providence Elderplace, share why they chose nursing, what keeps them loving the profession and working at Providence. They talk about how they coped with the challenges and anguish of Covid19 as well as supporting staff...

Sham Najjir & Ahmed Pierstorff

Ahmed & Sham, share stories about Ramadan, the month of fasting and Eid al-Fitr, the breaking of the fast, and the role these holidays play in their Muslim faith and lives.

Jessica Quintal Alverez & Jennifer Eid Ammons

Colleagues Jessica and Jennifer work on the Mobile Medical Van community outreach program for Providence Health in Sonoma County, California. In order to gain the trust of the homeless community they serve, they take a personalized approach by getting to...

Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

Jeffery Ward, MD and Cheryl Cline

Dr. Jeffery Ward reflects on his career as an oncologist and Hospice Medical Director with his colleague and friend, Chery Cline. Jeff then shares his journey after receiving a diagnosis of mucosal melanoma and now receiving hospice care as a...

Alicia Swift & Scott Acord

Alicia is young and has always led an active life until she was infected with Covid in 2021. She beat the original symptoms, but has since been battling long covid which has taken its toll on her. The worst of...