
The interviewer, Chase Dunn (15), interviewed Frank Drugge (19), they are cousins. Topics such as family, religion, and life lessons were discussed.

Mom Interview

I interview my mom about her life and what it was like parenting me.

Interview with Mom

I interviewed my mother, Jessica, and she discussed how she met my dad, her first reaction to seeing me for the first time as a baby, and her thoughts on parenting.

Wild Geese

Elena Dillon sits down with her dad Jonathan Dillon who shares his story of immigrating to America from Ireland. He describes the adventure and joy he finds in the States.

Justin Cummins and Jenni Lippold

Justin (32) and Jenni (42), strangers participating in the One Small Step program, have a conversation about their lives, families, and communities. They discuss their daughters, living through COVID, and buying houses in the suburbs.

American Culture Shapes My Family’s Traditions

I, Sam Lacko-Cave, interviewed my mom, Leslie Lacko, about how American Culture impacted different parts of her life and our families lives.