Addison Hansen and Ashley Crocker

This interview was about how the pandemic affected a teacher and what happened during the pandemic

Kate Gregg interviewing Shahram Imen 2/18/2024

talked with my mothers boyfriend about his childhood and his connection with the ocean

Coronavirus interview

Overall, this is an extreme experience that we are all going through but we still have a lot to be thankful for. There are many people that are not as blessed as we are and we have to help out...

Oral History Project 2023

This is an interview by Isabella Cabrera who is interviewing her mom, Ana Cabrera. Ana recounts her childhood, the trauma she carries from fleeing the communist government in Cuba, her determination through nursing school, and lessons she’s learnt through being...

Zach Willbankd Interveiw
December 13, 2022 App Interview

Zach Willbanks (18) interviewing friend Micheal Mooney (19) about growing up and enjoyment of life.

Storytelling Assignment
October 20, 2022 App Interview

interviewing my 7 year old son to see his perspective.

Grandmas childhood

My grandma lived old fashion, when she was a kid she climbed trees and worked. Now kids sit in front of the tv and watch things, and play games. We had a completely different holdhood and life and it was...

mom & me

I am Tori (16) and I interviewed my mom (Nikki, 51). We talked about some of her favorite things. Also we discussed childhood memories from her childhood.

Conversation With Lea Hull – 03-02-2024

This conversation occurred on Feb 2nd 2024, between Lea Hull (98), David Hull (52) and Noah Hull (35).

An interview to learn how Haitians share their culture through food

This interview was conducted in French with Mr. Jean Marie Malivert, who is the owner of a Haitian restaurant in North Miami called Chery’s Restaurant. Mr. Jean Marie talked about how this restaurant helped him fulfill his goal to promote...

Maya Freschi interviewing her Grandma Kathy on November 22nd, 2023
November 26, 2023 App Interview

In this interview conducted on November 22nd, 2023, in Calpine, CA, Maya Freschi interviews her grandma Kathy about her experiences in life and how they have shaped who she is as a person.

Rosa G: la historia de su inmigración a los dieciocho años.
December 12, 2023 App Interview

Rosa y su historia de inmigración ella emigró en 1994 a la edad de dieciocho años hablamos sobre el motivo y cómo se adaptó a la nueva vida y los desafíos que enfrentó. Y otras preguntas fueron respondidas en base...

Ariel Jin’s interviewing her dad, Young-hoon Jin, on November 26th, 2023.

In this interview, Ariel Jin interviews her dad about how his experiences as a child/teen changed his adulthood for better or for worse. She talks about the major transitions and moments in life that affected her dads future.

Perry interviews Grandma Joanie in Atlanta Georgia.

My grandma loves to tell stories. Interesting stories if anything. I thought she would be the best person for this project and loved hearing from her.

Family Interview
November 30, 2022 App Interview

I interviewed my father Quang Le, who’s currently 53 years old.

Interview with Diana

My name is Melanie Riera and i’m 18 years old and i interviewed my mom Diana. We discussed early childhood and family life and what it was like to grow up and eventually escape Cuba.

The difference between American and Central Asian cultures
November 30, 2023 App Interview

This is a conversation between Diana (21) and her husband Nazar (26). There are some questions about American and Turkmen lifestyles.

Soledad Vargas’s Story

The people in this interview is Sophia Ochoa (the interviewer) who is 15 years old, Soledad Vargas (the person getting interviewed) who is 79 years old, Rene Ochoa (translator) who is 45 years old. Sophia Ochoa is the grandchild of...