Vietnam Story with Pop Pop

An interview with my 72 year old grandfather. He is a Captain US Army Retired. This is his Vietnam Story

Grandmas Life

My Grandmother had an interesting life with lots of moving. She moved up and down the east coast and was married to a naval sailor.

US history podcast 1st hour

army work marcel Juanta grandfather life and more

My grandpa talks about some parts of his life

My grandpa has to get along with people in the navy and he was a tech agnishion in the navy and he met momo (my grandma) at a New Years party

Kendall and Brett's Thanksgiving Interview

I, Kendall Snyder (17), interviewed my father, Brett Snyder (45). We talked about his childhood in Princeton, Missouri and his service in the United States Army.

A Trip Back in Time

In this interview I asked my Grandpa about what life was like for him in the army, in school, and at home.

Robert Timmons-marine\army e4

He thinks people need to think why they join the military.

Women’s Stereotypes in the Military

A glimpse into the life of a woman in the military. A discussion of stereotypes in the modern military.