Enjoying What Is With Mom

It’s important to never underestimate yourself. You can do so much by yourself and even more with people supporting you. There are so many joys in this world, but family brings the most joy.

La or Toadie

I talked to my mom about life before I was born, and the life i dont know about. This life included the multiple summer jobs, long lost childhood friends, and meeting then marrying my dad, and many more adventures as...

kai cross and milo kluger – "I don't know where i'd be without you as my brother"

kai cross: 2020-05-23 21:37:41 This is an interview with kai cross(18) and his step-brother milo kluger(18). We talked about many topics including- COVID-19, Personal life, Influences, Life lessons, Growing up as brothers, family dynamics and how important it is to...