Sameer speaks with his mother.

Sameer and his mother Mahmoodah have a conversation about Mahmoodah's journey from Pakistan to American and becoming a doctor and raising a family along the way.

Interview for PSY 230

I spoke with my grandma about her life and the different accomplishments and things she is grateful for, as well as lessons she has learned throughout her life.

RR English American Dream Interview

This interview discusses the American Dream with my aunt. We go into depth about the culture and politics related to this Dream.

Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...

Erin and Jun Yang

I asked my Dad about his childhood in China and what it was like to immigrate and live in America

My Interview with Shawn Oliver

We mainly talked about personal stories and remeberances throughout my interviwee’s life time.

50’s and the Military

What civilian life and military life was like in the 50’s