The Yi Family Story

The Yi family discusses the history of socialism and their personal experience with it,

Behind the Orange Curtain

Financial perspectives and OC realizations by Armond Herndon and Anita Coleman who became friends at Irvine Rotary.

Service in the United States Military

I interviewed my father on his service in the United States military and his deployment to Haiti.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen (take 2)

I was interviewing my mom about her life in India and how it changed since she moved to the US with my dad. In short, she lived in Hyderabad, a huge metropolitan city in India, and while there she enjoyed...

The Struggles of Immigrating to A New Country

Brandon Marina: 2022-12-01 06:38:43 This is an interview of me and my mom and the story of how they immigrated and the struggles they faced. My hope is that anyone watching can see that it is possible and you too...

Dad’s Life: Past to Present

My dad talks about his childhood experienced, his life immigrating from the Philippines to the United States, his greatest influence in life, and his advice to future generations.