Going from Mantained to Making Money Moves

This is the story of how my 65 year grandmother came to the United States and was able to provide for her and her children.


I was interviewing brother. And asking him a couple of questions.

The Roots That Keep Me Strong

This interview talks about the roots that keep my dad, Heraclio Cruz, standing strong.

Gabe & Alexa interview

I asked Gabe some questions about life & what was important to him.

My “Nana”; A Journey of Hard Work

A story told by a grandpa about his up bringing and his perseverance to tackling the real world asked by his granddaughter. His passion for education and success reflects off of his aspirations and struggles.

Your life so far…

A discussion of choices in life, where they lead us, and the impact we want them to leave.

Isamu Yanagidate interview with his father, Alan Yanagidate-Thanksgiving Break 2018

I asked questions about his life and he gave answers. We made a time capsule for my great grandchildren.

Rave culture and it’s impact.

Rachael and I talk about the rave culture and what it means to us. This was a kind of hectic interview but it was very fun to reflect back onto our experience with festivals and talk about how it changed...