Tami shares her life story with oldest son Caran.

Tami shares a lot of her life and even very personal things. From wedding mishaps to a death of a new born this interview jumps from funny to sad at different times. At 11:55 she tells the story of how...

Life’s little lessons, with Renee Dzugan

In this interview we talk a lot about lessons learned in her life. Not backing down, learing to keep control and respecting family are all really big factors in her life today. We talk about Iris Hills, a dance class...

A chance to reminisce in our beautifully broken world

We looked back on my grandmothers childhood memories, as well as memories of my father as a child. She told us about her wedding day and being a mother at 15.

Norman Hatter and Steve McCutchan

Friends Norman Hatter (79) and Steven McCutchan (80) discuss meeting civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmichael. They talk about guiding their churches through racism and racial equity as they both have served different types of Christian...

Grandpa Chet Gives Advice on Spirtuality and Encoragement to Help Others

Listen to grandpa Chet share his experience with spirituality and positivity. He shares his motivation to help people and how he values Christianity. He also expresses how much family means to him and how spending time with them is vital....

Daniel Hummel and Adil Mohammed

Daniel Hummel (38) talks with his friend and brother in faith Adil Mohammed (58) about Daniel converting from Catholicism to Islam, the lack of inclusion in parts of his community, his desire to take part in local government, his experience...

Grannies House

We talked about my participant playin gc basketball at his grannies house and he broke his finger