Speech Class Interview

My girlfriend Rae and I talked about her parents divorce and how she has overcome it.

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

Charlee Spencer and her father David Spencer talk about his experiences growing up and going through life.

This interview was between me (age 17) and my father David Spencer (age 61) in November 2023. We had a discussion about his life growing up and his experiences throughout his childhood and adolescence. We also discussed his reaction and...

Interview with cousin/peer

Life in general and relation ships is what was talked about. The family goods and bads were also talked about a lot.


We talked about life and influences that have impacted our life.

Olivia COVID Interview with Madeline

Madeline and I talked about how her life has changed during the pandemic.