Oral interview-Christian Rosas

Today Christian (14) is talking with their guardian, their mom specifically (Jaquelin) asking questions about her life today and stuff about the world

My mother’s Life and her Christian upbringing

Eddie Harrington (19) interviewing his mother, Shannon Harrington (48). The interview discussed the challenges Shannon had to overcome to be here today and how having a son was the greatest moment of her life. Finally family jokes and sayings were...

Frank Hamper, Louis Hamper interview

This is me Frank Hamper interviewing my dad Louis hamper date 12/10/2023. We discussed about how much my dad loves me and about how he met my mom. We discussed what his favorite memories were to.

Interview with my Mom

I, Austin Allen (16), interviewed my mom Amanda Allen (43), and we talked about how she got to where she is, and her family.