9-11. The day it happened.

The topic that we talked about was the attack of 9-11. We talked about how my mothers day went and the feelings she and others had while she watched this even on television

Sand dunes

While on a relaxing trip to Muskegon Mi, our family decided to take a trip to salt lake and rent a dune buggy. Although we all thought the trip was tons of fun, some didn’t think so.

The Life of a Firefighter and Dad

My dad, Rob, has been a firefighter and paramedic in Riverview, MI for 28 years and my dad for 22! These are some of his stories about his job and a little bit about his childhood and parenting.

Morgan McCullough talks about her childhood.

This interview is for an assignment in my interpersonal communications class. I interviewed my 42 year old cousin, Morgan McCullough, about her childhood.

Life’s little lessons, with Renee Dzugan

In this interview we talk a lot about lessons learned in her life. Not backing down, learing to keep control and respecting family are all really big factors in her life today. We talk about Iris Hills, a dance class...