Socialization with My Mom.

In an interview with Amethyst, my mom, we discussed topics on socialization, experiences, and relationships.

Great Thanksgiving questions–Xiaochen Li

On November 25th, I interviewed my elder brother who has a good relationship with me. I asked him lots of questions such as the memory of childhood and something that shaped who is him as a person.

Mom and Daughter.

We talked about my mom's childhood and her journey coming to the U.S.

Leonie Parrilla; A First Generation Immigrant

This is Leonie Parrilla, she is a 65 year old immigrant from the Philippines who has been living in the United States since she was 11 years old.

Interview with Bob Pernick, Part One

Bob Pernick talks about his childhood, growing up in a Jewish family of six in the thirties, his college days, and how he met his wife.

Interview with my grandfather

For a school project I interviewed my grandfather on 12/6/2020 about his job and life.

My interview with my grandma

What we talked about in this interview was about my grandma’s life and some of her accomplishments